Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Period Help!?

My period is now 8 days late. I have a long time boyfriend who I am sexually active with. We have had sex maybe 5-10 times in the last month and have worn a condom EVERY time. (as usual)
I have taken three Home Pregnancy Tests and they have all been clearly negative. One on the fourth day, one on the fifth day, and one yesterday.
I have very sore breasts, and cramps which feel like my period is about to start... but nothing else really.
I just quit my job and am looking for a new one... so I am definitely stressed. And obviously, I have been very scared about this for the past week. I am terrified I might be pregnant but all the tests say no.
I was wondering what other people thought. I know that your period can sometimes just change it's cycle, or be late due to stress... so... advice? Similar experiences?Period Help!?
8 days is not that late. If you are stressed, lost/gained weight that may be cause for it to be late or for it to not come at all. If you are having the normal PMS symptoms I would say it's on its way! Give it a couple more days it will come.
Stress can cause your period to be late, there can be other factors as well. You said you just quit your job that may factor as your period will follow other womens period. Women who work together often have their periods around the same time.
I would recommend a visit to the doctor to check to make sure it is not a pregnancy or something more serious.
wait another week and if it doesn 't come go to a gyn. or get tested by your doctor. Depending on your age check with your mom. If she doesn't know GO TO THE DOCTOR!

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