Saturday, October 23, 2010

Period confusion.?

I have a monthly cycle from 26 to 30 days long. On April 27th I thought I started my period because I wiped and it was pink. That would be day 28 of my cycle. I waited and waited, but only had spotting for 2 days. Not even enough to fill a panty liner. The 3rd day the spotting was brown discharge. Again, only when I wipe. Todays is day 5, and day 4 there was nothing, and today a extremely tiny bit of brown again. Normally my periods are very heavy and 6 days long with only the 6th day being brown. I am concerned because about 3 or 4 days before the spotting started I had cramping in my lower abdomen, mainly on the left, but also on the right.
Anyone else experience something similar? And what was the problem?
I took a pregnancy test the morning the spotting started because I woke up and wasn't bleeding, so I thought I should check and it was negative. Was that too soon to test?
I have been having periods for about 10 years, and this has never happened. Thank you for your helpPeriod confusion.?
It is possible you are pregnant. Sometimes the tests register negative early on. For some women it even takes a few more weeks before HcG hormone registers in the urine.
Maybe you could take another one in a few days.
I'm really regular like you and have 6-day periods, so I always know I'm pregant when I miss my period.
maybe u should go see a doctor

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